Archives for October 2013

Careers in Construction Month is Here!

ALACHUA, FLA. — The wait is over. Earlier this year, the Build Your Future (BYF) initiative announced October 2013 as Careers in Construction Month (CICM). Now, with CICM in full swing and construction … Brought to you by Yahoo! News. Read the rest of the article here

Tips for Choosing a Career

The title must have grabbed your attention and encouraged you to read every word in this article. After all, like everyone else, you wish to know the right career that will make you feel fulfilled and happy, the career that will make use of your skills and abilities, and at the same time rake all […]

6 Must Know Tips to Navigating Your Career

With fall right around the corner executives are focusing fast on what their organizations need to get done before year end. And many rewards, bonuses – pay increases and the like, are tied to individual, collective, and organizational achievement. Keep in mind that a new year is on the horizon thus workforce deployment and succession […]

Career Advice – Spotlight on Networking

If there’s ever a career advice topic that strikes fear into the heart of job seekers, it’s networking. Really, who wants to get all dressed up and talk to strangers when there’s a perfectly good couch and ice cream at home? Considered by many to be a dreaded part of the job search, what follows […]

Career Advice – Career Change Over 40 – Is it Too Late?

Is it too late to make a career change over 40? There was a time when this might have been true and anyone giving career advice would have told you to stay where you were. But when it comes to jobs, things have changed dramatically for everyone and although some employers are a bit slow […]

Ten Last Minute, Quick Job Interview Advice Tips

Sometimes we simply do not have the luxury of several days preparation ahead of a job interview. When faced with a last minute interview try these ten essential advice tips.   Be enthusiastic; whether your interview is formal or informal, be enthusiastic and take a positive outlook throughout the entire process (even if you feel […]

Job Interview Tips: 5 Tips for a Lasting Impression

The job interview is feared by some, relished by others, but is a necessity, allowing you and your potential employer a small snippet of time to rate each other. It is a time when nerves can ruin your chance for an amazing career. It is a time when the right attitude can make a world of […]

7 Essential Job Interview Tips

With the tough competition nowadays, a job interview invitation doesn’t come as often as you need or want. Thus when you get one, make sure you put your best foot forward to impress the interviewer. Learn to answer questions properly and use your body gestures to ace the interview and land your target job. Be […]

Job Interview Tips To Make A Brilliant Impression

After impressing your potential employer with your CV and cover letter, now comes the most difficult yet important part – learning how to face an interview. Here are some basic interview tips that will help you prepare to give an excellent interview. Be prepared Learn all the important information you need to know about the […]

Job Search Tips: Ways to Avoid Wasted Time

If you are in need of a job, you might not consider job searching a waste of time. It is vital that you start obtaining a steady paycheck; therefore, any work and effort put into a job search is time well-spent. With that said, thousands of job seekers make simple, but time consuming mistakes. Yes, […]