Archives for September 2015

The best Army jobs right now for long-term Army careers – The best Army jobs right now for long-term Army careersArmyTimes.comFORT KNOX, Ky.—. Soldiers interested in moving to a specialty with good promotion and career prospects may do well to check out a menu of 14 priority MOSs that meet those requirements, but that have some demanding application criteria. These priority … Brought to you by […]

Exploring careers: Expo provides slice of college-and-career-ready pie – Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal

Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal Exploring careers: Expo provides slice of college-and-career-ready pieNortheast Mississippi Daily JournalImagine the Possibilities will be organized according to these clusters with the addition of two more, and participating businesses will set up interactive stations where students can gain insight into specific careers. In preparation for the event … Brought to you […]

St. Paul airport event steers girls to tech careers – Press St. Paul airport event steers girls to tech PressBut girls sometimes are discouraged from pursuing technical careers, particularly when they are in mixed-gender educational settings, said Missi Arens, vice president of funded initiatives with the Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys.Getting Girls Into Tech Careers a Priority for Minnesota all […]

Jobs program boards up schools; Detroiters find careers – Detroit Free Press

Detroit Free Press Jobs program boards up schools; Detroiters find careersDetroit Free PressA small army of workers descended Friday on the vacant Greenfield Park Elementary in Detroit, where they pounded plywood over broken-out windows in an effort to make the building — and the neighborhood — a little safer. Their work is not only … […]

Elsewhere in Science, 25 September 2015 –

Elsewhere in Science, 25 September 2015ScienceCareers.orgEvery Friday, Science Careers points to articles in the Science family of publications that are relevant to careers in science and other technical fields. Some of them are accessible to anyone, but access to articles appearing in Science Translational … Brought to you by Google News. Read the rest of […]

Information technology can bring top career – Information technology can bring top careerChron.comA degree in information technology can lead you to any number of rewarding careers, including those in computer and information research, computer network architecture, computer programming, computer support, computer systems analysis, database … Brought to you by Google News. Read the rest of the article here

Alabama middle school girls learn about engineering careers – Times Daily

Alabama middle school girls learn about engineering careersTimes Daily"The purpose of iCan is to introduce middle school girls to careers in a STEM field, which is science, technology, engineering and math. We focus on engineering and math with this program," said Anna Catherine Roberson, communications specialist for … and more » Brought to you by Google News. […]

How a loss to Louisiana-Monroe launched careers and helped build Alabama dynasty – How a loss to Louisiana-Monroe launched careers and helped build Alabama dynastyAL.comBrooks, now the athletics director at Millsaps College, believes that win launched a lot of careers, including his own. "I didn't know one soul on the staff at Georgia, but when they saw my resume and saw, 'Oh, he's at ULM,' and they […]

Puyallup High teacher inspires students to explore careers in medicine – Puyallup High teacher inspires students to explore careers in medicineTheNewsTribune.comIn May, the Puyallup School District Board of Directors awarded Reichel the 2015 Career and Technical Education (CTE) Teacher of the Year, namely for her role as instructor of the Medical Careers Academy at Puyallup High School, a magnet program open … Brought to you by […]

Career and Life 2.0: Look ahead – forget what’s behind … – Albany Times Union (blog)

Career and Life 2.0: Look ahead – forget what's behind …Albany Times Union (blog)In my professional career, I have worked with many who fell victim to living in the past. They can't let go of a career disappointment or life situation that was unpleasant. They become closed minded to opportunities and frankly, scared. That makes […]